Friday, March 1, 2019

Post 2: Two Current Algerian Rai Artists

Rai Musicians

One popular female rai artist is Chaba Zahouania. In 1959, she was born in Oran under the name Halima Mazzi. Even though she began her career in 1981, she only gained recognition with the song of “Khali ya khali” which she performed with Cheb Hamid. Her singing partner, Cheb Hasni, recorded “Beraka” with her in 1987. The song was considered extremely provocative by Algerian society, especially Islamic fundamentalists. Seven years later, Hasni was murdered in Oran which resulted in Zahouania moving to France. However, she returned in 1999 to record a duet with Cheb Abdou.
Another current rai singer is Chaba Fadela, born Fadela Zalmat, who is known as one of the first stars of modern rai. Fadela was raised in a poor Jewish neighborhood where she began her career as a singer for Boutiba S'ghir's band. She gained popularity in the late 1970s when she combined western rhythms and electronic technology to the rebellious lyrics associated with rai. She was the first women to defy the ban on women singing in clubs. Like Zahouania, she also emigrated to France in the late 1980s. She moved there with her husband, Cheb Sahraoui, who was also her singing partner. Sadly, their relationship, both professional and personal, broke down and they separated. Currently, Fadela is a solo rai singer. 

Zahouania's Music:

Fadela's Music:

Sources: 1 2

1 comment:

  1. I found these profiles intriguing because of the way they used music to defy the Algerian government. Fadela's rebellion was especially fascinating because she used Western music in combination with the already-rebellious rai music. Their continued efforts in the face of potential assassination reminds me of covering Malala Yousafzai in class, and how she defied her conservative government, risking assassination, to continue doing what she loved. I am curious as to why Zahouania and Fadela emigrated to France. Were there specific political issues in Algeria in the late 1980s-early 1990s? Overall, the stories of these singers were very interesting to read.
